Op di 21-10-2003, om 13:47 schreef Eric Livingston:
> I'm curious regarding the penetration of linux as a comprehensive solution
> for all computing tasks in a normal day. i.e. what percentage of Linux users
> are 100% linux, or even 100% Gentoo for that matter.
One year ago i did the switch to 100% Linux (it was hard), as a Sun
Solaris sysadmin with a few Windows servers and Macintosh I can work
with Linux all the time. 
At work I can use samba an rdesktop, nfs and if al my Mac's are switch
to Mac X , Linux will rule them all. :-) 

At home it feels that I can do more then when I was using Windows, the
only program I'm missing is Adobe Photoshop.


Insufficient facts always invite danger.
-- Spock, "Space Seed", stardate 3141.9

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