Because they are slotted.  Version 1 goes in one slot, 2 in another slot.  
This is a feature of portage that allows different versions to coexist on the 
same machine.  For example, qt, gtk have different versions.  Some programs 
need version 1.x, others 2.x.  With Gentoo they can coexist.

On Saturday 25 October 2003 05:54, you wrote:
> On Saturday 25 October 2003 13:16, Peter Ruskin wrote:
> > > Why does emerge leave older packages installed ?? Why didn't the
> > > newer package run instead of the older ?? Is this an config
> > > option *I* need to change ??
> >
> > The command that starts the newer version is `gkrellm2`, not
> > `gkrellm`.
> Doh !! Okay, but still, why does emerge not *replace* the older
> version vs just adding the new one alongside the old one ??
> Hall

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