On Sun, 2003-10-26 at 15:28, Robert Crawford wrote:
> On Sunday 26 October 2003 2:07 pm, Kwame Opam wrote:
> > Hello. Well, I got Gentoo running today after a very long weekend. I only
> > have a few problems now though. Firstly, I need 3d acceleration for my
> > Radeon 9000, but I have no clue how to get it. After I configured X, it
> > complained that it can't find the radeon drivers. I downloaded Xfree-drm
> > and everything, but I'm worried that since it's an AGP card it still can't
> > properly detect it. Also, I need my printer to be detected but I don't know
> > how to make my computer see it. Any ideas?
> Kwame,
> I have 3 of these cards, and would suggest building a 2.6-0test8-mm1 (or 
> test9) kernel, and compiling the ATI stuff directly into the kernel, like 
> below. Then there's no need to mess with ATI drivers or DRM- it's all already 
> supported. Most comments I've read say the stock ATI 2.6 support is just as 
> good as any of the ATI attempts at Linux drivers. Works great- I get 8000+ 
> FPS @16bit 1024x768 with these cards. Here's a really good way for a basic 
> trial, that I posted on the Gentoo forums..

See www.gentoo.org/doc/en/dri-howto.xml for some initial info.

For 2.6, I recommend:
-agpgart as kernel module, along with your AGP chipset (you may wish to
add both modules to /etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.6)
-DRM as kernel module (xfree-drm isn't working yet, but will soon

This modular configuration allows one to start using ati-drivers, with
its internal agpgart or not, instead without any needed recompilation.

The only change to get to my recommended 2.4 configuration is to leave
the DRM out of the kernel entirely and use xfree-drm instead. Again,
this allows ati-drivers to be installed simultaneously.

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