begin  quote
On 29 Oct 2003 15:31:50 -0600
eric heller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks for the suggestion, but no, Gnome's not loading metacity from
> there. I greped the whole ~/.gnome2 directory for metacity and didn't
> find anything. Either loading metacity is somehow hard-coded into the
> gnome-session, or there's some session config file I don't know about.
> Any other ideas?

With openbox3 its just to do :

start gnome
open a terminal
type "openbox3 --replace &" 

save session, and it works.

previous to that theres some odd magic with a gconf key being set to
/usr/bin/gnome-wm, that is called and that then reads WINDOW_MANAGER
variable and uses that.  (look inside, its a shellscript)

other users report that :
killall metactity ; openbox& 
and then saving the session, will work.


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