Is anybody using jack-audio-connection successfully with ardour?  I've just 
started trying to use jack and ardour and am not having much success and have 
some connections.

If I run jack as my user (who is a memeber of the audio group) I get a 
message to the effect I don't have permission and it quits.  If I run jack 
(jackd blah blah) as root and then start ardour under my user ardour 
complains that it cannot make a connection.

Some background - I had jack and ardour running briefly last night.  I had 
the mixer up and was able to make an input connection to record a CD track 
and could see the mixer level lights move although I never saw anything on 
the editor page.  However, during this session ardour locked up and I had to 
use the reset switch to restart it.  Today I couldn't get ardour to run and 
when it did it locked up.  I unmerged both jack and ardour and emerged them 
again - same thing.

1.  Shouldn't I be able to run jack as a user or can I start it as root and 
let it run.  Will it service any users who need it then?

2.  Why is ardour not seeing jack when it's running - my understanding is 
that Jack runs as root and then ardour will make a connection to it.

3.  Any ideas on why ardour might lockup so badly.  I haven't been able to 
get any data since I have to use the hardware reset.


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