   I lost track of what your final answer in this email was answering.
.9x for Ardour or .9x for Jack or qjackctl?

   Also, I do presume that you are running at least 0.9.6 for Alsa, 0.8
for jack, and something close to whatever the Ardour page says the
newest release is

On Fri, 2003-10-31 at 05:00, brett holcomb wrote:
> Thank you for the answers.
> 1.  That clears that up.  I have another problem then. I 
> didn't know about real time as root.  

There is a capabilities patch in the PlanetCCRMA kernel that allows
users to get real time operation by running jackstart instead of jackd.
There is now an ebuild for the Planet kernel (emerge
planet-ccrma-sources) which includes this, but the ebuild doesn't work
for me. Tried it on two machines. Filed a bug report a few days ago, but
not too much action yet.

To run jack there are a number of options:

jackd -d alsa -d hw
jackd -r -d alsa -d hw         (real-time, as root)
jackstart -r -d alsa -d hw     (real-time as user) 
jackd -d alsa -r 44100 -d hw   (44.1K for CD audio)
jackd -v -d alsa -d hw         (verbose messages)

Thee are more options like buffer numbers and buffer size if you need

> 2.  I'll check the tmpfs.  My Gentoo is setup with 
> whatever is standard and I don't remember what's in tmpfs 
> right now.

I think this just effects how many xruns you'll get and not whether it
works. My tmpfs settings are just Gentoo standard also, but I'm using a
sound card that costs as much as the PC it's in, so it's better behaved
than a Sound Blaster.

Good luck! I'm surprised you went with Ardour, vs. ReZound or Audacity.

> I used the .9x build in portage.  I was going to use CVS 
> but it shows up as a .6x version.  The ebuild may fetch 
> the most recent version but I haven't found out yet.
> Thanks again.

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