On Fri, 2003-10-31 at 09:19, SN wrote:
> Strange, that in your bad config.pm there is for example -DPERL5 missing,
> but this is set in the ebuild, I can only imagine, that something is wrong
> with your installation and you don't have all tools onboard which are needed
> by emerge to in order to create the right Config.pm.
> Have you uninstalled single packages, thinking that they might not be needed
> by other packages?
> I'd re-emerge all basic packages and then try to emerge perl again.

I saw the -DPERL5 missing and I have noted that it was strange.

I may get there.  I haven't uninstalled anything that I didn't
explicitly load myself.  Additionally, if there is something missing, it
isn't being caught by portage's dependency checking.

I have noted that compiling perl manually without any of the patches
applied by the ebuild process compiles correctly.  I'm in the process of
modifying the ebuild (I copied it to /usr/local/portage, bumped it to
-r13 and masked it) and back tracking through the patches and defines
that are enabled during the ebuild process.

The other thing that I discovered is that perl on my other Gentoo box
exhibits the same behavior if I run my test program against the bad
Config.pm  So it doesn't look to me like a machine specific problem.


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