I ran kicker while in Gnome..

I got this,

kicker: relocation error: /usr/kde/3.1/lib/libkonq.so.4: undefined
symbol: _ZN9Q GroupBox10setEnabledEb

I also tried to run licq, which i have compiled with qt and kde as
a use variable.. i get this

21:40:21: [WRN] Licq: Ignoring stale lockfile (pid 5605)
21:40:21: [ERR] Unable to load plugin (kde-gui):
/usr/lib/licq/licq_kde-gui.so: undefined symbol: _ZN7QWidget7repaintEb.

Granted they aren't teh same error, but they seem to have their

I don't think that deleting my .kde directory would do much since 
i had the exact same error with root and root didn't have a .kde until i
tried this, this afternoon.


On Sun, 2003-11-02 at 14:45, Jim wrote:
> On Sunday 02 November 2003 01:21 pm, Jeff MacDonald wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I was using kde this morning, and i was dragging a menu item from the K
> > menu, to my panel. And suddenly the panel disapeared. Didn't come back.
> >
> > So I dropped out of x, and tried to restart. X came up without KDE and
> > the message "could not start kdeinit" came up, or something similar to
> > that.
> >
> > So I did an emerge -u kde-libs, and in about an hour tried to start kde
> > again. This time the kde progress bar thingy came up and went thru all
> > the steps. However once again there was no panel.. :(
> >
> > Also, this happens whether i start kde as root or as my non-root user.
> >
> > Anyone have any tips or clues as to how i can fix this ? Note i am not
> > against typing
> >
> > "emerge unmerge kde;emerge kde" ,but others have warned me that this may
> > be unsafe.
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > Jeff.
> >
> >
> > --
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
> If you can run something in kde (from the run box (Alt+F2 or a terminal), run 
> "kicker" (no quotes) and see if the panel shows up.  It would be preferable 
> if it was a terminal so you can see if there are any error messages.

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