On Wed, 05 Nov 2003 06:28:01 -0800, Brian Downey muttered:
> Hey folks...
> I have the once, maybe twice in a lifetime chance to try and install Linux
> (Gentoo, of course!) on an HP 9000/V2600.
> For those not aware of what a V-class is... think 32gb of RAM, 16 CPU
> PA-RISC powerhouse that's the size of a freezer.  After Linux is on it,
> it's running [EMAIL PROTECTED] for a few days :)
> The ESIEE site claims that the V-class is "unsupported/untested", but I'm
> gonna try anyway.  Question is... anyone know where I can download the
> HPPA Live CD?  I've dug through a few mirrors and only found x86 and
> PPC...?

There probably isn't one. My advice would be to look for *any* kind of
Linux distribution for the HP9000 and see if you can boot from that.
After you've got some sort of Linux running, *then* you can try to make it

Andrew Farmer

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