On Thu, 2003-11-06 at 10:07, Hall Stevenson wrote:

> As I told him, get the newest kernel possible. When 2.4.20 was released, 
> did the nForce2 chipset exist ?? If not, it's hard to support it ! :-) Now 
> you throw in SerialATA support on top of nForce2 and you really something 
> current. I couldn't get USB support to work with my nForce2 (MSI) based 
> board until I tried 2.4.23_preX kernels.
> Hall 

Hall, Alan, Javier and Jeffery,
   Thanks for your help. I have now managed to boot my A7V8X-D
motherboard from the onboard SATA drive. It turned out that my 1st, and
most major problem was that I somehow ended up with multiple copies of
grub installed on the SATA drive. It gets a bit complicated to explain
where things are supposed to be in this setup, and all of the drive
partitionas, but obviously I confused myself in the process of bringing

   Anyway, problem solved and the machine is booting. Thanks for all
your help!

   I am now running 2.4.22-aa1 and it's booting fine from SATA. I did
build 2.4.23-pre8 using my own quick configuration but there is some
problem there right now. I'll try that again later today possibly using
Javier's config file.

   The initial SATA drive performance isn't bad, but isn't that great. I
haven't been bold enough yet to turn on any specific optimizations in
this new machine yet, so it will likely get better:

Gandalf root # hdparm  /dev/hda

 multcount    = 16 (on)
 IO_support   =  0 (default 16-bit)
 unmaskirq    =  0 (off)
 using_dma    =  1 (on)
 keepsettings =  0 (off)
 readonly     =  0 (off)
 readahead    =  8 (on)
 geometry     = 155061/16/63, sectors = 156301488, start = 0
Gandalf root # 

Gandalf root # hdparm -tT /dev/hde

Timing buffer-cache reads: 128MB in 0.34 seconds=376.47MB/sec
Timing buffered disk reads: 64MB in 1.78 seconds= 35.96MB/sec
Gangalf root # 

Not bad, but actually not as good as the EIDE system I'm responding on
right now:

Wizard root # hdparm -tT /dev/hda

 Timing buffer-cache reads:   1320 MB in  2.00 seconds = 660.00 MB/sec
 Timing buffered disk reads:  140 MB in  3.04 seconds =  46.13 MB/sec
Wizard root # 

Both systems are Athlon-XP and Asus motherboards (A7V333-X with a 2600+
vs. A7N8X-Deluxe with a 2500+ Barton) and both drives are 80GB.

Now, on to getting more hardware working and X running!


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