On Thu, 2003-11-06 at 14:40, Matt Chorman wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Thursday 06 November 2003 02:00 pm, Michael Schreckenbauer wrote:
> > you need to run opengl-update nvidia as well. This will change the symlinks
> > libGL.so and friends in /usr/lib to point to the nvidia-glx. I also have
> > agpgart and dri enabled in my kernel. Don't know, if that is really needed,
> > but it works here without problems (Geforce 3) :-) I have a file /etc/
> > modules.d/nvidia. Maybe you should run modules-update to get the entries in
> > / etc/modules.conf. But I'm not shure, if I did that, so perhaps you try
> > first without that.
> opengl-update is run by the nvidia-glx.ebuild, so it should not be necessary.
> Agpgart is fine to enable, and is the default. The nvidia driver states that 
> dri should be removed from XF86Config (see lines 357-375 of /usr/share/doc/
> nvidia-glx-1.0.4496-r1/README.gz)
> <quote>
> You should also remove the following lines:
>       Load "dri"
>       Load "GLcore"
> </quote>
> I doubt it causes a fatal error, but if you check you XF86 log I'll bet it 
> throws an error and does not load the dri module....

So I did a quick search just to see what pops up under nvidia. I found
the two that you had me emerge. Of the five in the group I marked
'interesting' which would be of value to load up? I've seen nvclock
discussed at times, so I'll likely emerge that. What about the
configuration utilities or the NVTV stuff. Does it work? Are there apps
that can take advantage of this?


Wizard root # emerge -S nvidia
[ Results for search key : nvidia ]
[ Applications found : 10 ]


*  media-video/nvidia-glx
      Description: XFree86 GLX libraries for the NVIDIA's X driver

*  media-video/nvidia-kernel
      Description: Linux kernel module for the NVIDIA's X driver


*  media-video/yanc-0.2.1 [ Masked ]
      Description: YanC is a GUI configuration tool for the NVIDIA
Accelerated Linux Driver Set.

*  media-video/nvoption-0_alpha-r1
      Description: grapich front-end to change NVIDIA options in X mode

*  media-tv/nvtv-0.4.5
      Description: TV-Out for NVidia cards

*  media-video/nvclock-0.7
      Description: NVIDIA Overclocking Utility

*  media-gfx/nvidia-cg-toolkit
      Description: nvidia's c graphics compiler toolkit


*  media-sound/nforce-audio-1.0.0261
      Description: Linux kernel module for the NVIDIA's nForce1/2
SoundStorm audio chipset

*  media-tv/rivatv-0.8.2
      Description: kernel driver for nVidia based cards with video-in

*  net-misc/nforce-net-1.0.0256
      Description: Linux kernel module for the NVIDIA's nForce network

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