On 2003.11.15 22:38, Mark Knecht wrote:

OK, I'll bite. How?

My work box is locked in a closet. The monitor, keyboard and mouse are
available. The screensaver is locked. I've turned on DontZap and
DontVtSwitch. I hand you the keyboard and mouse. What can you do?

Would depend on how interested I was in getting into your system. I would also expect that you wouldn't be there to hand me the keyboard and mouse. Couple of things occurred to me right off the top of my head but I'm sure others more scheming than I could come up with more. First, I'm sure the closet could be forced or otherwise gotten around giving me the physical access I need. Locks aren't completely invulnerable. Second, most systems for a few years now have given you the ability to net boot. I could cut power, set up a net boot server and force your system to net boot then I'd be in. That also assumes your system auto-
starts on power loss which most do, I believe, these days.

You've certainly restricted access to casual attacks but since you apparently think there is something really valuable on your system, maybe casual attackers aren't what you would be most vulnerable to. I do know that it's silly to ever think you are completely invulnerable to attack. Until you pull all wires from it and encase it in concrete. :-)


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