Hi Nate,

Thanks. They are interesting links. In going through the links another question pop-up on my head.

Would it be possible to achieve following targets;

Method 1 - all steps to be performed manually
1) Create a tarball of a bundle of documents on a folder of local machine and a key of authentication to untar it simultaneously. The tarball will self-disintegrate on the THIRD attempt of decompressing by un-authenticated key
2) Create md5sum file of the tarball (This step can be omitted if the key on Step 1 can be created)
3) Send md5sum file and key of authentication to distant machine via SSH to a selected folder
4) Send the tarball to that selected folder separately (If the key on Step 1 can be created then Step 3 and 4 can be combined)
5) Checksum (optional)
6) Untar the tarball on that folder in the presence of key of authentication.

If YES how to make Step 1.

Method 2 - completing those actions on Method 1 automatically with ONE command line.

If YES, any suggestion how to proceed.

Any pointer or suggested List/Lists of posting other than SSH would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Nate Duehr wrote:

Stephen Liu wrote:

Hi Nate,

Of course he could have also just piped tar though ssh too... into a tar on the opposite side. This works fine to move a few files too.

Interesting ......

<snipped examples of the question of how to do it...>

There's a number of ways it can be done, here's one example:

machineA$ tar cf - files | ssh machineB "tar xf -"

You may need to cd to the appropriate directory before the untar, of course, on the far side.

A quick google turned up this page, which seems to have a couple of neat tricks... like using two machines to ssh through... good if there's a firewall in the way, etc... hadn't thought about that one, but it'd work too.


I found this old LJ article in an old bookmark file here too...


Have fun, it's a neat trick that you can think up all sorts of interesting uses for once you figure out that ssh makes for a decent machine to machine pipe.


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