I used KDE (still have it on a Caldera box that is being replaced by a Gentoo one. I use xfce on two systems and it works fine. I have my icons, I can run programs - switch desktops, etc. everything I could do with KDE without the bloat <G>. I can't compare it to Gnome as I only used that for a few months on a RH 7.3 system. I haven't tried scripting xfce yet. You might join the xfce mailing list (check at www.xfce.org) for firsthand info. The developers hang out there, too.

On Thu, 20 Nov 2003 06:45:49 -0500 (EST)
 Ric Messier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Wed, 19 Nov 2003, Brett I. Holcomb wrote:

It works fine with startx. I change rc.conf for XSESSION to XFCE4 if I

That was the bit I was wondering. I tried it last night by starting it with startxfce4 just to get it running and never got around to trying to set the XSESSION var.

remember correctly (the Gentoo box is not up) and all I do is startx and I get xfce4. I've used xfce3 and 4 and it's an excellent app. I used to use KDE but dropped it. I find xfce does everything and is very fast.

Seems to be fast. Not sure about "does everything" having just come from Gnome. Taking a little to get used to. It may end up being too much like CDE, an environment I hated, but giving it a shot. I thought I had read where it was easily scripted and modified but haven't found that yet. On the other hand, have just started to get using it so it's early yet.


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