On Friday 21 November 2003 09:37, Jason Evans wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 21, 2003 at 07:41:30AM +0800, William Kenworthy wrote:
> > I suspect that the "rationale" that this has gone on so long is that its
> > hardly critical. nice yes, a mild limitation yes, but it wont stop your
> > system working, or have dire (note I say dire, not theoretical) security
> > consequences to have a little fluff left on a system.  The system may
> > grow, but only so far.  I dont believe rpm handles dependencies all that
> > well either (else why do you get into dependency hell so often with
> > them!)
> The difference here is that when using RPM, it is painful because it won't
> let you do operations that will break runtime dependencies, which means
> doing things in an order that RPM will allow.  emerge, on the other hand,
> is painful because it will happily allow you to irreparably damage your
> system, and it provides no mechanism for figuring out what is dangerous and
> what isn't.

Just reiterating what was in my other post here.

I'm one to browse portage and install this, that and the other and end up with 
lots of stuff I don't need. To remedy this, every so often I go through the 
world file (located at /var/cache/edb/world) and delete everything I don't 
want. I then run "emerge -p depclean", check it to make sure that I didn't 
miss anything and then do it for real. I've never ran into any problems 
because I don't change my use flags. For those that do, revdep-rebuild will 
fix anything broken.


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