That's very bad for me... :-( How do you find package, which offers then?
Aren't there any plans for search engine similar to rpmfind?

I don't understand why that's bad for you. What problem are you having that you need to know what package has a particular library or other file? It's often not hard to figure out from the name of the library which package it's in. Emerge handles all dependencies if the script is written correctly.

RPM has an advantage over emerge in that regard, if you can call it an advantage. RPMs have all the files in them. Since emerge builds from source, we don't know what files will be included until it's already installed at which point we can enumerate. I don't really see the point of creating a lot more disk space overhead to house such a database even if that disk space is housed in the network somewhere.


OK, ok, not very bad... :-) But I can imagine situation: I compile some program, which has no ebuild, and it depends on some library, which is in standard ebuild package, but I cannot find it, if its name is completely different from ebuild's name.This didn't happen to me yet (I'm using gentoo for a week :-)). What happened to me was, that I desperately searched for my favorite /sbin/ip for several hours. How can I know, that it's in iproute and not in iputils. I have to install it to realize! I think there should be some index - web page/application is sufficient - listing all files in packages compiled with maximum USE flags. Doesn't Gentoo have something like GRP? It could serve this purpose.


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