On Saturday 22 November 2003 09:18, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> i installed Gentoo 031015 & am very pleased with it, but still learning.
> >> there are  4  daemons in  /etc/init.d  for remote access to my box:
> >>  sshd slapd slurpd rsyncd .  i've checked their man pages
> >> & all appear to be running as servers for things i don't need or want.
> >> two questions: am i correct that i can remove these scripts from  init.d
> >> without interfering with the ordinary functioning of my system ?
> >> and why are they set up by default on a Gentoo system,
> >> when they cd cause a security problem for a naive -- mb me -- user ?
> >> and perhaps a 3rd question: are there any other similar items in  init.d
> >> ?
> >
> > Just because they are in /etc/init.d does not mean that they are running.
> > They are only running if *you* did 'rc-update add <service> default'.
> yes, sorry for the rather naive question:
> i knew re  runlevels , but hadn't remembered re  init.d .
> > You can double check this by running 'rc-status'.
> > If they are not in the list, then they don't start by default.
>   > rc-status
>   bash: rc-status: command not found
> don't you have to do it per daemon, eg '.../adsl status' ?

you can do it per daemon, but rc-status will actually test the status of all 
services registered to your current runlevel.

you can add a service to a runlevel with:
rc-update add <service> <runlevel>
and remove it with
rc-update del <service> <runlevel>

this will create/remove the symlink /etc/runlevels/<runlevel>/<service>
you can add or remove the links there yourself if you don't want to use the 
rc-tools. but don't remove things in /etc/init.d

rc-status is in /bin and is part of the baselayout ebuild. I think this one is 
included by default in gentoo. but if /bin/rc-status is not found, try 
re-emerging baselayout.


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