On Sat, 2003-11-22 at 01:01, Andrew Gaffney wrote:
> Just because they are in /etc/init.d does not mean that they are running. They are 
> only 
> running if *you* did 'rc-update add <service> default'. You can double check this by 
> running 'rc-status'. If they are not in the list, then they don't start by default.

I often check what's on my own boxes by running nmap and nessus over the

Nmap is a simple portscanner that will quickly show what ports are

Nessus is a big-hammer security scanner.  It will show you what's
running, and any number of ways that a potential attacker could try to
exploit your system.  If you tell it not to be nice, it will actually
try a few hundred exploits and tell you whether they worked.

These tools are very useful and worth using if you're at all concerned
about security.

But, if you run them against someone else's machine, you will probably
piss them off.  For instance, if you happen to run nmap against my
university's DNS servers, even from off campus, they will have your ISP
call you for a little chat. Not that I'd know...  :-)

I don't even want to know what they'd have to say if I ran Nessus
against one of their machines...


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