On Monday 24 November 2003 03:27 pm, Norbert Kamenicky wrote:
> Ernie Schroder wrote:
> >I'm repairing a computer for a nonbeliever and don't have it up on
> > my lan yet. I d'loaded some soundblaster drivers and was trying
> > to write the file to a floppy. When I tried to format the floppy
> > on the Gentoo box I got  a write protected error so I formatted
> > on the wife's WinXP box and tried to mount it back here:
> >
> >$ mount /mnt/floppy
> >mount: block device /dev/fd0 is write-protected, mounting
> > read-only
> >
> >relevant line in fstab looks good to me.
> >/dev/fd0             /mnt/floppy     vfat            noauto,users,auto,rw    0 0
> >Could my floppy drive have died?
> As I hardly remember from the time of XT PC's,
> one of FDD ribbon cable wires is called "write protect".
> Since the cable is still the same (and FDD controller as well)
> it's possible your FDD cable is broken or FDD has broken sensor.
> Replace the drive and/or cable.
> noro

        this is probably the case Norbert I guess it's time to do some 
searching of the parts box....
> --
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Regards, Ernie
100% Microsoft and Intel free

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