On Tue, 2003-11-25 at 15:27, Stroller wrote: 
> Hi all,
> I want to use my Linux box for voicemail. I believe this is done using 
> mgetty / vgetty to answer the phone after a few rings, and that it 
> should be possible to get it to play then an audio file of the outgoing 
> message ("sorry, I'm not here right now") and record another one for 
> incoming messages.
> The documentation on vgetty is sparse &/or 404ing, but I have installed 
> an internal modem in my machine & started following the modem-HOWTO at 
> <http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Modem-HOWTO.html>. In section 2.4 it starts 
> by discussing the IO address and IRQ & mentions that a Plug&Play BIOS 
> can do this. I believe that the following output indicates that this 
> has been done successfully:
>    # cat /proc/pci
>    PCI devices found:
>    ...
>     Bus  0, device  13, function  0:
>      Communication controller: Conexant HCF 56k Data/Fax/Voice Modem 
> (rev 8).
>        IRQ 11.
>        Master Capable.  Latency=64.
>        Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0x42100000 [0x4210ffff].
>        I/O at 0x2020 [0x2027].
>    ...

That looks like a winmodem. You should look at the howto for that. They
can be difficult to set up. 

> Many thanks in advance for any help or comments. I would be 
> particularly interested to hear from anyone else who is using vgetty to 
> answer the phone.

I use a voice modem with vgetty for an answering machine. It is a pretty
basic setup right now. I have plans to write a better answering machine
system soon (in Python). I have attached my vgetty voice.conf file to
use as an example for you.

part generic

voice_log_level 3

voice_shell_log /var/log/vgetty_voice_shell.%s

voice_dir /var/spool/voice

phone_owner root
phone_group voice
phone_mode 0660

message_flag_file .flag

receive_dir incoming
message_dir messages

message_list Index

backup_message greeting.rmd

voice_shell /bin/sh

port_timeout 10
dial_timeout 90
command_delay 100

dtmf_len 30
dtmf_threshold 40
dtmf_wait 7

ignore_fax_dle false

raw_data false
rec_compression 1

rec_speed 8000

rec_silence_len 70

rec_silence_threshold 40

# rec_remove_silence false
rec_remove_silence true

rec_max_len 300
rec_min_len 0

beep_frequency 933
beep_length 1500

max_tries 3
retry_delay 5

watchdog_timeout 60

receive_gain -1
transmit_gain -1

enable_command_echo true

poll_interval 10

forceV253 TRUE

program vgetty
rings 5
answer_mode voice:data
force_autodetect false
toll_saver_rings 0
rec_always_keep true
dtmf_program dtmf.py
do_message_light true
ring_report_delay 15

program vm
#voice_devices ttyACM0
voice_devices ttyS0
ring_report_delay 15
dialout_timeout 90
ringback_goes_away 70
ringback_never_came 100

program pvf

port ttyS0
   do_hard_flow true
   port_speed 115200

# the USB modem
port ttyACM0
   init_chat "" \d\d\d+++\d\d\dAT&FS2=255 OK AT+FCLASS=8 OK
   do_hard_flow false
   port_speed 230400

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