I created a Gentoo 1.4 basic CDROM from the iso image
(and checked the MD5SUM).  On bootup I just hit return
at the prompt and soon saw the Gentoo screen. I tried
to <alt>-F2 ... <alt>-F5 to get multiple consoles,
nothing happened.  Any Ideas?


  (disclamer:  I am VERY new to Gentoo and haven't
even installed it yet ... if this issue is addressed
in documentation somewhere, please tell me where.)

The following messages were displayed at the end of
the boot:

--- Detected usb-storage hardware 
mount Mounting /newroot/mnt/cdrom failed: no such file
or directory
   (note:  I have a USB device but is NOT a storage
device:  Keyspan USB to 4 serial ports)

--- CD not Found
  umount /newroot: Device or Resource busy
          (note:  but I am booting off of the CDROM)
Busy Box ...

sh: can't access tty: job control turned off.

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