Hi Everybody,

IMHO, the traditional (our currently used) email protocol
is dead.

I see many people investigate & research for methods how to
filter spam mails, how to protect email accounts and about
how much time people spend to keep that old rubbish email
thing alive, instead of launching a new or extended protocol..

Lets not kid ourselves: they start to embed fullscreen
images in html mails. If this continues, the actual
email protocol will fall. I'll soon ask my provider to
delete every html mail sent to any of my accounts.

A local email filter is no tool for me because it actually
*downloads* everything before it can be checked.

We need a system with optional per-account authorization,
configured at the provider's server, and an email previewing
client which only fetches address & subject from each new mail,
then the user decides which of these really to download.
Mails that have been fetched (but not downloaded within a week or so)
are deleted from the provider's server. Point.

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