On Tue, 2003-12-02 at 13:31, brett holcomb wrote:
> Thunderbird is brain dead in that respect.  It's at what - 
> version 0.2 or so.  You might check the forums for help.  
> I like what Tbird looks like it's going to be <G> but I 
> haven't figured out what's wrong with the Mozilla group. 
>  This is third try at browser and mailer and you'd think 
> they'd figure out that things like opening links is 
> critical in a mailer.  Firebird can't handle mailto even 
> in it's current version at .6 although I understand .7 has 
> a workaround in it.

Netscape and Mozilla suites have no problem with opening mail and web
links from one to the other, which is why thunderbird and firebird have
such difficulty.

Chris I 

"The Street finds its own uses for technology." -- William Gibson

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