On 12/05/03  Elton Algera wrote:

> Check the contents of /etc/make.profile/virtuals; e.g.
> grep linux-sources /etc/make.profile/virtuals
> in my case it gives sys-kernel/gentoo-sources.
> You can change it, however, by changing profiles (/etc/make.profile
> symb. link)
> If this grep yields somethings else that's only masked then that's the
> trouble...

Sorry, don't want to be rude but I have to say this:
Please don't give advise if you don't know what you're talking about.
What you suggested is complete nonsense and can be very dangerous. 

That said, the original problem is likely caused by ac-sources or
ac-sources is unmaintained upstream and therefore masked in
package.mask. If you really want to continue to use it you can unmask
them in /etc/portage/package.unmask, but I recommend that you switch to
another kernel package as there won't be new versions or fixes for
There was an issue with gaming-sources a few days ago, don't really know
what caused it, it seems to work fine now (if you use
ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~x86"). If not run `emerge --sync` and try again.


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