> > > On Friday 05 December 2003 10:15 pm, Nathaniel McCallum wrote:

> > I know about port forwarding.  I don't want to forward a different
> > port.  I want to redirect data based upon packet destination rather
> > than port.  I'm really just trying to get free IP addys ;).

Nathaniel what your wanting to do is very simple. Goto
www.shorewall.net and do some research there and you will see. This is
just one flavor of firewall but one of the best I've come acrossed with
the best support via emailing list and great web site as well.

There's really no mystery in how to achieve what your asking to
There are two ways to do what your want to do. These are the same 2
choices that everyone else has when redirecting traffic from internet
hosts to services you host on your internal lan. But you want to do it
by name instead of ip directly. (IT all happens via ip, ports/sockets
regardless. This is just how it works.)

First and foremost you will need to either get familar with iptables or
install a firewall like "Shorewall" that munipulates iptables for you
to achieve what your wanting. Without one of those you will not be able
redirect squat.


You said:
>I want to redirect data based upon packet destination rather than

My response:
The two really go hand in hand. So this tells me that you might
understand port forwarding but don't understand some of the other
fundmentals. (if you don't understand this then you in for some
researching.) But again this is very simple if you understand the

You mean via a DNS name.. E.G... www.yourfoobarrednetwork.com

Lets say your public ip is and you have registered (you will
need too, to do what your trying to do) www.yourfoobarrednetwork.com
and mail.yourfoobarrednetwork.com. Both of these registered names
resolve to the same public ip address in DNS.

Internally you run a web server at and a mail server at

Lets think about this for a second. If I open any given web browser/app
and goto www.yourfoobarrednetwork.com (assuming that you've registered
this dns name or are running a host's file that knows to resolve
www.yourfoobarrednetwork.com to your public ip address), since I'm
using a web browser, any browser will default to port 80/HTTP. So now
my browser will transparently (to my eyes) resolve the dns name to an
ip address and goto www.yourfoobarrednetwork.com (or
transparent to me) via http port 80 tcp. 

On your firewall you would need to have a rule that forwards requests
coming to your public ip on port 80 tcp to the internal web server
listening on port 80 tcp.

General redirect rule:
Incoming port 80 tcp goes: (your public ip) > (your internal web server)

BAM... I'm on your website now. That was easy.. :P

Ok.. to continue with my example.... lets say that I want to send you
e-mail. In my example your running an email server on and
have registered a public dns mx record for
mail.yourfoobarrednetwork.com that resolves to your public ip of

I open-up my smtp email-client/app (Kmail) and type in: 

....and click on send. Since my smtp email-client/app defaults to using
port 25 tcp, my email server will (transparently to me) lookup and
resolve your mail domain to your public ip address that you have

On your firewall you would need to have a rule that forwards requests
coming to your public ip on port 25 tcp, to the internal mail server
listening on port 25 tcp.

General redirect rule:
Incoming port 25 tcp goes: (your public ip) > (your internal mail server)

BAM... You Have Mail.... That was easy.. :P

For SSH you would simply need to goto www.yourfoobarrednetwork.com on
port 22 tcp. You can either do this from the command line or a GUI ssh
client/app. And you can do this by ip or by your registered domain

General redirect rule:
Incoming port 22 tcp goes: (your public ip) > (internal machine listening on
port 22 tcp)

The important thing to remember is that when redirecting any type of
packet it will have an ip address/port-socket mapping. Those two are
inseparable for the most part.


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