* William Kenworthy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> To add, dont delete the /usr/portage/distfiles directory afterwards
> thinking that you have finished with the source code.  You may find
> yourself re-downloading it all again!  Modems require a little bit of
> extra thought (saying someone who now has had broadband for 2 weeks! -
> and was on a modem since 1994 - then a superfast 2.4k/s)

And one more:
Use Deltup! It's in app-portage/deltup.

It is perfect when you upgrade. With this tool you can patch the old
source to the new one preserving the md5 digest. (Of course it is
necessary that someone provides this xdelta/patch). It works great.

There are some drawbacks:
1) These patches are not generated automatically. So there are not so
2) Gentoo doesnot 'support' it. The serverspace is sponsored by
3) The sponsored 100MB are already filled.

Well, i think this is a very good way to go. It is good to reduce the
transfer volume to less than 10 percent. 
Give it a try.

.: Regards Torsten  |  Overflow on /dev/null, please empty the bit bucket.  :.

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