On Tue, 09 Dec 2003 16:03:27 +0100
Oliver Lange <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 1. after booting the fresh installed gentoo box (which shall
>     act as router/gateway), exactly which packages do i need
>     to emerge ?

The ones you want to use (don't really get the point of your question...)

> 2. As far as i understood, i need *not* to add eth1 to the default
>     runlevel using 'rc-update eth1 default' because pppoe will
>     do everything for me ?

You have to "rc-update add net.eth1 default".

> 4. My current provider sucks (German t-online), it drops the connection
>     each 24 hours, so i need an automatic re-connection cron script
>     which checks if the connection is still up, and re-connects
>     if my provider pulled the plug again.

No, you don't. Setup for dial-on-demand and enter a hangup-timeout of 31536000
seconds (approx. 1 year, so it'll never hangup and redial after loss of the

> 5. After each new connection, i need to execute a script for
>     updating my dyndns aliases (i've got a dynamic ip), and
>     probably I also need to restart ntpd. So: howto exec a
>     post-connect script ?

# man pppd
Take a look at /etc/ppp/ip-up & -down.
Then forget about that again and just
# emerge ddclient
and set that up for daemon-mode - no need for ppp-scripts ;)

> 6. Which packages do i need to emerge for setting up my router
>     as a router ? Then, how to configure simple routing ?

'iptables' might come in handy to enter some basic packet-filtering rules...

> 7. Firewalling is a different topic; I think one can use one of
>     the guides at tldp.org, which also covers advanced routing
>     techniques, like traffic limiting/shaping for smoother browsing
>     (while some host is downloading at full speed), etc.
>     So the pppoe guide would not have to cover these topics,
>     but it should at least cover questions 1-6 in detail.

# emerge shorewall
Install and configure it. It even handles MASQ for you...

> However, such a guide would be a great addition to the gentoo
> documentation list.

I suppose you're now going to make one, as you know what to do ? :)

Dennis Freise <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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