On Wed, 2003-12-10 at 14:12, Oliver Lange wrote:
> Eric Paynter wrote:
> >>Gentoo by default sources .bashrc from .bash_profile which is, of
> >>course,  why I asked what shell he is using. If .bashrc isn't
> >>getting run, then  perhaps he has a different shell without
> >>realizing it.
> > 
> > Or perhaps he doesn't have a .bash_profile...
> > 
> I have a .bash_profile, but i'm not sure if and which shell i'm using.
> I can only say this: i've installed gentoo. How can i fugure out which
> shell is set for my user and for the root account ?
Either look in /etc/passwd or run 'echo $SHELL'.

If you are using bash then the system wide bash config file /etc/profile
will be used. It should then call your own .bash_profile. This in turn
can execute a .bashrc file.

As you rightly pointed out neither .bashrc nor .bash_profile are
executable. For the line in your .bash_profile to include your config in
.bashrc make it executable (chmod u+x .bashrc).

I am not sure but I think /etc/profile 'source's your .bash_profile so
it does not need to be executable. But I would check /etc/profile to
make sure.

Hope that helps.


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