--- "Matthias F. Brandstetter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ---------- quoting Joshua Banks ----------
> > Thanks Matthias.
> you're welcome ;)
> please report if you succeeded with your 2nd NIC!

Pretty painless once all the research was done. The most confusing part
was the fact that my nic card read as being a model "3c905" and this
wasn't a given choice in: /lib/modules/'uname -r'/kernel/drivers/net 
Alittle google'ing helped figure that confusion out.

1) Added/edited "3c59x" to /etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.4

2) "cd /etc/init.d"

3) "cp net.eth0 net.eth1"

4) Manually added new interface "ifconfig eth1 (ip-address) broadcast
(broadcast address) netmask (netmask address)" No need for a gateway
address as of now. So I didn't use "route add" to add the default
gateway yet.

5) Edited /etc/conf.d/net to add eth1's interface info.

6) "rc-update add net.eth1 default"

7) Edited Shorewall/firewall "interfaces" file, to make it aware of the
newly added interface.

8) Verified ping connectivity and new eth1 interface statistics via
"ifconfig eth1". 

9) Set eth1 link speed to 100Mb-HD via "mii-diag -F 080 eth1". Was set
to full duplex. Not sure why that happened since eth1 and eth0 are
plugged into a 10/100 hub and I'm not using patch cables that I don't
believe would support Full-Duplex anyways.

10) Reboot to varify everything works after reboot via "shutdown -ar"

11) Pointed internal Windows machines to the new eth1 interface for
their DG's for internet access. Dialed-up and all internal machines 
were able to gateway through eth1>ppp0>intenet ....Success.. Wahoo...

Now I just sit and wait (with anticipation) for Comcast to turn on the
3Mb-down/385KB-up switch.....and say bye-bye to my clunketty dial-up.

Although dial-up is slower than crap, it works well and I will always
be able to fall back on it when Comcast isn't working correctly. Which
I here, happens allot with "Cable" internet access.

To all who responded to this thread, "Thanks for your support/comments
:D "

Joshua Banks

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