brett holcomb wrote:
I'm currently using samba to share drives between windows and linux systems. Works okay for the windows systems to see the Linux drives. However, to share between Linux sysetms I need something else. I am considering NFS and noticed Gentoo has OpenAFS also. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each.

If you don't copy tons of stuff (gigabytes each day), it might be an option just to install shfs. With this package you can mount your linux boxes into your file system just using ssh.

That works very well and if you're also using key authorization,
you won't even need to enter a password each time you mount
your stuff.

The caveeat is that everything gets encrypted at file transfer,
at the cost of CPU load, but this is definately the easiest and
absolute safest way to share your files. Nobody can ever snoop
unencrypted samba passwords, snoop unencrypted data, not even
in your LAN. With 100Mbit LAN, i had copying speeds of >5 MB/s
(using blowfish instead if 3DES), compared to about 8.5 MB/s
using samba.

Not the hi-speed solution, but a real good alternative.

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