On 12/13/03  Richard Ruth wrote:

> # emerge -p chkfontpath
> These are the packages that I would merge, in order:
> Calculating dependencies   
> !!! all ebuilds that could satisfy "chkfontpath" have
> been masked.
> !!! Error calculating dependencies. Please correct.

from package.mask:

# <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 21 May, 2003
# Masked while it's still under development. I need revision control on
# the thing, which is why it's in portage at all.  Do NOT install this.
# 30 May, 2003 : Seems that xterm is in its own separate package as #
well, so taking that out of -r3.  Added utempter, (dep for xterm to #
not install suid)

If you REALLY want to install it create a file
/etc/portage/package.unmask and add the same lines there.


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