I am not at my box right now, so cannot check this ... It's just a random thought 
here, so forgive my musings if I'm way off here--I'll check it out when I get home.

Anyway, that last comment has put me to thinking ... since the 'defunct' process has 
been seen as a child of Mozilla, and a second one as a child of Evolution--which 
depends on Mozilla (yes?)--my suspicions then point me back to Mozilla being the 
probable culprit, and confirm I made a good choice when choosing to depend on 
Links--and Opera when feeling graphically inclined.

From: "David H. Askew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 2003/12/18 Thu AM 02:22:41 EST
To: Gentoo-User <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] netstat <defunct>


'Esse quam videri.'
To be, rather than to appear.
On Wed, 2003-12-17 at 15:34, Mark Knecht wrote:
> Hi,
>    I mentioned some time ago that I had built a Gentoo machine for my 70+
> year old dad and delivered it the day before Thanksgiving. Believe it or
> not, he's now got 16 days uptime and tells me he hasn't had any need at all
> to turn on his old Windows box! Evolution, Mozilla and Open Office seem to
> be enough to make his day fly by. Who says the Linux desktop isn't here? ;-)
>    Anyway, one thing I see on his machine that I don't see on any of my
> Gentoo boxes is a process listed in 'top' as
> netstat <defunct>
> I presume I can just kill it? (What is a 'defunct' process anyway?)
> Any idea what might cause this to get started, or how to trace down what did
> start it originally.
> Thanks in advance,
> Mark
> --
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

i noticed these weird process(es) myself the other day. I generally have
2 on my system it seems, one as a child process for mozilla, and the
other for evolution.  Not sure where they from, but I'm pretty sure it
is a new occurrence. 

How many Microsoft engineers does it take to screw in a light bulb ?

        - none, they just declare darkness a new standard ! 

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