On Fri, Dec 19, 2003 at 02:01:31AM +0000, Dane Elwell wrote:
> xerxes root # gvim /etc/fstab
> xerxes root # umount /mnt/storage
> xerxes root # mount /mnt/storage
> xerxes root # exit
> logout
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] omicron $ mkdir /mnt/storage/test
> mkdir: cannot create directory `/mnt/storage/test': Permission denied

This is really simple, but did you try doing:

  # chown omicron /mnt/storage

after the mount command?

Of course, you may not want it owned by omicron, so you could also make
it group writable and make sure omicron is in the proper group, or you
could just make it world writable.

The point is, don't forget about basic unix permissions :).

 - O

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