begin  quote
On Fri, 19 Dec 2003 17:20:10 -0500 (EST)
"Nick Fisher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  So if there are any  people out there who deal with binary packages
>  alot... please can you help me out with the following questions.....

I guess I should volounteer here as that is something I do ;)

> What and how is metadata stored in binary packages?

USE flags used, and thereby dependencies are stored in the package, so
when you use downloaded packages, they override your own USE flags.

CFLAGS are stored there as well (obviously , they are binary)

> I read about the metadata all the time.... but I'm not sure what it
> actually consists of. I would guess the USE flags and gcc options that
> were used to make the package..... but I really would like to find out
> for sure. I'm fairly sure if I understood that a number fo the below
> questions would answer them selfs.

Metadata is all data that relates about a package. Most important are
the dependencies , controlled by USE flags, the license, homepage,
description and so on. :)

> Should -K require binpackages for all dependancys?
> I *have* read the docs here. I can understand some of the rational.

from "man emerge" 
--usepkgonly (-K)
 Behaves just as --usepkg  except  that  this  will  only emerge binary 
packages.   All the binary packages must be available at the time of
As I understand it it will only use binaries, never compile locally.

> However if I have packages B and C installed.... and I want to install
> package A, with -K..... not only do I have to have a binary for
> package A, but I also have to have binarys for B and C too. This seems
> odd to me, I was expecting that -K would require that all unmerged
> packages and unmerged dependancys would require a binary package, not
> that all merged and unmerged packages require binarys.

Seems a bit odd that it would force the -re- emerging of packages.  I
guess you'd need to have them around for dependency tracking though.
(since portage in this mode probably doesn't even use the portage tree )

>  Does anyone know if that is the way it's supposed to work? Perhaps
>  does anyone know why? -K would be an
> excellent idiot switch to stop my laptop doing compiles if I forgot to
> make a package.... but currently it's WAY too much hassle to use.

Not too sure. :/

> Why does "-puvg --deep world" differ from "-puv --deep world"?
> Any ideas?

USE flags probably.  as -puvg --deep world will use USE flags and
therefore dependencies from the online packages, and not those
calculated from your machine and its tree.

> Why does -g download already merged dependancys?

> Now this is getting on my nerves as I really don't have much room on
> my laptop's disk. When I use -g with BINHOST (set in make.conf), I
> don't just  download the required packages from BINHOST, I also
> download a pantload of  the dependancys. This *really* confuses me,
> especially as the deps are already calculated and installed. Why does
> portage need the binarys too?

Now this is is strange behaviour, I think it might be a safteyprecaution
but I'm not sure at all. :/

> Is there any way to stop that? Is it a bug?

File a bug , put it nicely and question it, I'm sure that if the portage
devs don't have a good reason, they can change the behaviour. :)

> Many thanks to any portage gurus responding ;)
No guru, but I've worked with it a bit through chinstrap.


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