>>  So if there are any  people out there who deal with binary packages
>>  alot... please can you help me out with the following questions.....
> I guess I should volounteer here as that is something I do ;)

>> What and how is metadata stored in binary packages?
> USE flags used, and thereby dependencies are stored in the package, so
> when you use downloaded packages, they override your own USE flags.
> CFLAGS are stored there as well (obviously , they are binary)
>> I read about the metadata all the time.... but I'm not sure what it
>> actually consists of. I would guess the USE flags and gcc options that
>> were used to make the package..... but I really would like to find out
>> for sure. I'm fairly sure if I understood that a number fo the below
>> questions would answer them selfs.
> Metadata is all data that relates about a package. Most important are
> the dependencies , controlled by USE flags, the license, homepage,
> description and so on. :)
This explains alot.... how can I query it? Is there some gentoolkit thing?
Is it just a file in the tbz?

>> Should -K require binpackages for all dependancys?
>> I *have* read the docs here. I can understand some of the rational.
> from "man emerge"
> <quote>
> --usepkgonly (-K)
>  Behaves just as --usepkg  except  that  this  will  only emerge binary
> packages.   All the binary packages must be available at the time of
> depend
> </quote>
Yup.... that was all I could find...

> As I understand it it will only use binaries, never compile locally.
Well that's the way I took it too. And at the time I took it as a bug (as
you suggest below) and this was the result:

>> However if I have packages B and C installed.... and I want to install
>> package A, with -K..... not only do I have to have a binary for
>> package A, but I also have to have binarys for B and C too. This seems
>> odd to me, I was expecting that -K would require that all unmerged
>> packages and unmerged dependancys would require a binary package, not
>> that all merged and unmerged packages require binarys.
> Seems a bit odd that it would force the -re- emerging of packages.
I think you misunderstand... it doesn't want to remerge them, it just
wants the tbzs present.

> I
> guess you'd need to have them around for dependency tracking though.
> (since portage in this mode probably doesn't even use the portage tree )
The only thing that makes real sence to me is that -K doesn't consult the
portage tree in /usr/portage.... but what would the point of that be?
I can see why the dependancys of the packages have to be found from the
metadata in the tbz, but why does the dependancy's dependancys have to be
found from a tbz of that dependancy?

>>  Does anyone know if that is the way it's supposed to work? Perhaps
>>  does anyone know why? -K would be an
>> excellent idiot switch to stop my laptop doing compiles if I forgot to
>> make a package.... but currently it's WAY too much hassle to use.
> Not too sure. :/
It's not the end of the world... I'm just want to get it straight whats
going on before I move on. I get the feeling that there is some clever
'thing' that portage was designed to do with -K that I havn't thought of.

>> Why does "-puvg --deep world" differ from "-puv --deep world"?
>> Any ideas?
> USE flags probably.  as -puvg --deep world will use USE flags and
> therefore dependencies from the online packages, and not those
> calculated from your machine and its tree.
Actually I'm pretty sure it's not. I wrote a little python script, it gets
a system's USE, CHOST and CFLAGS, sshs over to annother machine and sets
the ENV to override the local portage.... then you compile...
*perhaps* portage is finding the dependacys the packages listed in the
world file by querying the metadata in the tbzs on the BINHOST.... that
would be a real pain in the butt.... but would explain the behaviour.

>> Now this is getting on my nerves as I really don't have much room on
>> my laptop's disk. When I use -g with BINHOST (set in make.conf), I
>> don't just  download the required packages from BINHOST, I also
>> download a pantload of  the dependancys. This *really* confuses me,
>> especially as the deps are already calculated and installed. Why does
>> portage need the binarys too?
> Now this is is strange behaviour, I think it might be a safteyprecaution
> but I'm not sure at all. :/
>> Is there any way to stop that? Is it a bug?
> File a bug , put it nicely and question it, I'm sure that if the portage
> devs don't have a good reason, they can change the behaviour. :)
I will have to pay extra carefull attention next time I'm doing a world
build and make a bugzilla post I guess.

On a slightly different note, is the building of binary packages realy all
that rare? I would have thought that there were a few good few power users
out there with multiple systems doing this all the time... but I can find
next to nothing about it in the docs or searching... is this just done by
the gentoo maintainers for GRPs and stuff?

>> Many thanks to any portage gurus responding ;)
> No guru, but I've worked with it a bit through chinstrap.
Hey... it's all help to me ;)
If you can think of anyone or anywhere better to ask....

Many thanks...


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