On 12/19/03  Michael Balamuth wrote:

> Hi List,
> Wondering if there is a syntax for /etc/make.conf that allows using a
> local filesystem tree as a mirror.  Something like this:
> Prior to editing /etc/make.conf
> plug in USB hard disk
> mkdir /mirror
> mount /dev/sda1 /mirror
> where /mirror then has /mirror/gentoo which is a valid mirror tree. 
> Then make an entry in /etc/make.conf that uses that file tree as the
> preferred mirror.  Note /dev/sda1 is a USB hard drive and mounts fine
> (it is the actual mirror tree I use locally from another machine that
> has been running ftp, but I thought it might work to move it over and
> point locally??

This feature was added recently (-r15 or -r18), just add the path for
the distfiles to your GENTOO_MIRRORS variable in make.conf.


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