Well, I found a README file that helped me edit XF86Config to get my dual-head monitors working... merged desktop and all. Still wouldn't mind running that PowerDesk program some day to take advantage of some of it's advanced settings, but I worry about that later.

Thanks for your replies.


Ben Munat wrote:

Man... you get a something to work and then something else doesn't. I got the matrox powerdesk app to compile and run. But then it makes a dialog box with textfields to enter the path to the XF86Config file and a backup XF86Config and when I click okay, it kills my X server!

Anyway, my question is, I should be able to run a gtk program on fluxbox right? I don't need to install gnome, or anything like that? I got this program to work on my old Mandrake install, so I know it'll work... somehow...


PS: Anyone know if there's some way to set up dual monitors without using this matrox app? Like, by just editing a config file or something?

Ben Munat wrote:

Nevermind... got it... it's "emerge \<x11-libs/gtk+-2.2"... that "+-" screwed me up...


Ben Munat wrote:

Brett Mansfield wrote:

I also (like many others) have gtk-1.2 and gtk-2 installed. IMHO the
easiest thing to do is:
"emerge gtk-1.2.x gtk-2.x.x"
which will install them both at the same time. (this is what I did
(IIRC)) and have had no problems, YMMV.

Just tried "emerge -p gtk-1.2.x", "emerge -p gtk+1.2.x", "emerge -p gtk+1.2.10", etc. All says no packages found...


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