On Fri, 2004-01-02 at 15:31, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> On Fri, 02 Jan 2004 15:11:40 -0500 "Lincoln A. Baxter"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> | 1.) Last May I contributed this: 
> | http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=21580
> | 
> | It has yet to show up in portage. And not official comments are in the
> | bug.  Now I know there are MANY who think qconfirm is a bad idea, I
> | don't even use myself any more, especially since spam assassin has
> | gotten so much better.  Even if one disagrees with using this, is this
> | a reason to make it hard for others, when some user has taken the time
> | to build a perfectly good ebuild, that makes it easier for the next
> | guy?. That, it seems to me is DICTATING POLICY!. At the very least
> | they should put a comment into the bug that says that AREN't going to
> | accept it and WHY!
> That hasn't been rejected. It's just that no developer is willing to
> accept responsibility for it.

Hmmm... not that I'm interested anymore but, why not invite the
contributor to maintain it?  That would do TWO things:  Let him know the
status... and inform him of whats required...  He could then decide to
pass if he felt he could not do it, or was not interested enough. Isn't
the contributor the best person to maintain it anyway?

> | 3.)  I have developed an ebuild for the perl interface to the Xerces-c
> | XML parser. Which is a bit of a pain to build. The Gentoo guides for
> | submitting ebuilds says that the "perl herders" need to approve such
> | ebiulds.  Well, they do not even tell you how to send mail to the perl
> | herders. (No link, no nothing).   So I have a perfectly good ebuild
> | for perl's XML-Xerces module in my portage overlay dir, that I have
> | not submitted, because of my experience with bug 21580, and my
> | inability to find the "perl herders".
> This should probably be handled by g-cpan.pl,

How can you say that?  Have you built XML-Xerces successfully with
g-cpan.pl?  I doubt it.    

It has a dependency on dev-libs/xerces-c,
AND, it requires specific EVs be set prior to building.

BTW: here is the output of g-cpan.pl as far is it gets:

lws root # g-cpan.pl  XML-Xerces 
mkdir /tmp/perl-modules_28142
mkdir /tmp/perl-modules_28142/dev-perl
CPAN: Storable loaded ok
CPAN: LWP::UserAgent loaded ok
Fetching with LWP:
LWP failed with code[400] message[FTP return code 000]
Fetching with Net::FTP:

etc...  works real well I'd say... Doesn't even move on to another
server on failure.  My /root/.cpan/MIRRORED.BY file has over 200 lines
that would qualify as mirrors for this file... 

>  but if not, a google
> search for "Gentoo perl herd" will tell you everything you need.

Did you try that? I get: 

   Your search - "Gentoo perl herd" - did not match any documents. 

Other searches take one back the the Guidelines docs that have no links
or addresses.

> | I am waiting to see if the Zynot folks (http://www.zynot.org/) produce
> | anything usable, and whether they will be a little more accepting of
> | user contributions.
> I hope you enjoy looooooooooooong waits :)

You are probably right... but you never know, sometimes (often?) small
groups of people can do amazing things... look at gentoo :-)

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