On Friday 02 January 2004 07:39 pm, Bruce E. Harris wrote:
> Sorry, wrong line. the correct /etc/mtab is:
> none /proc/bus/usb usbfs rw 0 0
> I have a USB  mouse, and it works just find, just cant figure out how to
> access a compact flash card.


How are you plugging it into your computer? If it's in the pcmcia slot. it has 
to be accessed via the pcmcia-cs support package as a ide-cs device, if it's 
going through a USB socket, then you have to use the USB support modules and 
mounted as a scsi device. Here's how I access both:

Requires ide-cs and I believe yenta-socket, I mount it as an ide device using 
this fstab entry:/dev/hde  /mnt/cfdisk ext2 defaults,noauto 0 0

Requires usbcore, ehci-hcd, usb-storage, sg and vfat for the camera.

SB attached harddrive:
/dev/sda1       /mnt/hd1        ext3    defaults,noauto 0 0

USB attached camera:
/dev/sda1 /mnt/camera  vfat  defaults,noauto 0 0 

Obviously you'll have to figure out which drivers you need for your usb 
hardware and linux version.

I hope this helps.


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