On Mon, 2004-01-12 at 14:05, Jason Stubbs wrote:
> Hi all,
> Basically I would like a definitive answer on the best way to set up fonts. 
> Most recent sources I have read point to fontconfig and 
> specifically /etc/fonts/local.conf in Gentoo. I have installed all fonts in 
> media-fonts as well as a few others and added all dirs to local.conf. 
> However, there is a ~30 second pause on the startup of each application with 
> this configuration. Adding them to XF86Config instead gives a ~30 second 
> pause at the start up of the X server, which is not quite as bad but still 
> frustrating. Anybody got lots of fonts and has solved these problems?
I thought this is what xfs (X Font Server) was for. emerge xfs then add
it to the rc.d (rc-update add xfs default).

The first time you start it has to trawl the font dirs, but then it
generates a cache. It only updates the cache when you add new fonts. So
generally it is a lot quicker.

Then you config X to use xfs. I've just realised I don't have X configed
to use xfs so I'm about to hunt to find out.

Once I do I'll let you know.



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