It looks there are some problems. Check on home page.

Best regards,

On Tuesday 13 January 2004 17:01, William Hubbs wrote:
> I am getting the following
> when I try to do an emerge
> sync.
> >>> Starting retry 3 of 3
> >>> checking server
> >>> timestamp ...
> rsync: getaddrinfo:
> 873: Name
> or service not known rsync
> error: error in socket IO
> (code 10) at
> clientserver.c(88)
> !!! Rsync has not
> successfully finished. It
> is recommended that you
> keep !!! trying or that you
> use the 'emerge-webrsync'
> option if you are unable
> !!! to use rsync due to
> firewall or other
> restrictions. This should
> be a !!! temporary problem
> unless complications exist
> with your network !!! (and
> possibly your system's
> filesystem) configuration.
> Could someone let me know
> What is going on?
> William
> --
> mailing list
> ---------------------------
> Xnet scaneaza automat toate
> mesajele impotriva
> virusilor folosind RAV
> AntiVirus. Xnet
> automatically scans all
> messages for viruses using
> RAV AntiVirus.
> Nota: RAV AntiVirus poate
> sa nu detecteze toti
> virusii noi sau toate
> variantele lor. Va rugam sa
> luati in considerare ca
> exista un risc de fiecare
> data cand deschideti
> fisiere atasate si ca
> MobiFon nu este
> responsabila pentru nici un
> prejudiciu cauzat de
> virusi.
> Disclaimer: RAV AntiVirus
> may not be able to detect
> all new viruses and
> variants. Please be aware
> that there is a risk
> involved whenever opening
> e-mail attachments to your
> computer and that MobiFon
> is not responsible for any
> damages caused by viruses.

Xnet scaneaza automat toate mesajele impotriva virusilor folosind RAV AntiVirus.
Xnet automatically scans all messages for viruses using RAV AntiVirus.

Nota: RAV AntiVirus poate sa nu detecteze toti virusii noi sau toate variantele lor.
Va rugam sa luati in considerare ca exista un risc de fiecare data cand deschideti
fisiere atasate si ca MobiFon nu este responsabila pentru nici un prejudiciu cauzat
de virusi.

Disclaimer: RAV AntiVirus may not be able to detect all new viruses and variants.
Please be aware that there is a risk involved whenever opening e-mail attachments
to your computer and that MobiFon is not responsible for any damages caused by

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