That is right... unless there are a major architectural changes. If I understand this correctly, Gentoo borrows the idea from FreeBSD, everything is developed constantly and a release is just a snapshot of everything on the release day. And if Gentoo follow it even further it will be possible to do seamless upgrade... imagine your Gentoo Linux evolve instead of replacing it everytime with a new version. I think that is pretty neat!

Recently, there is a posting here & on Slashdot about BSD & Linux comparison, if you're interested you should have a look...

Any comment on this one ppl?


Martin Tedjawardhana

Jani-Matti Hätinen wrote:
On Friday 16 January 2004 10:56, qwerty wrote:
I've just wanna know if there would be a chance of migrate from 1.4
series to 2004, this is because I'm starting to administrate a server
trough ssh and when Gentoo 2004 cames out it would be nice to have it

Just run emerge sync && emerge -uD world after Gentoo 2004 comes out. That's 
all you need to do. There's no need for special updates or migration with 
Gentoo and that's one of the main reasons people use it.
  That said, there might be some special steps you need to do when the next 
major gcc version comes out (as with the transition from 2.95 to the 3 
series), but this won't be happening in a few years.


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