I have exim installed (and I have problems with that, which I'll discuss later):

cbash-2.05b$ cd /var/spool/mail
bash-2.05b$ ls -a
.  ..  .keep

bash-2.05b$ cd /var/mail
bash-2.05b$ ls -a
.  ..  .keep

As you can see, I have NO system email boxes even though I have four accounts (three users and root) on the box, exim installed and running (I can send mail from my system accounts w/o any problem).

The problem I have with exim comes when I make changes to exim.conf (cp'd from exim.conf.dist and edited as needed) and then try and run /etc/init.d/exim restart

joseph-a-nagy-jr root # /etc/init.d/exim restart
* Stopping exim... [ !! ]

joseph-a-nagy-jr root #

I then have to zap it and start it back up. What's going on here?

I think I'll save the rest of my problems for another email. ;)
Joseph A. Nagy, Jr.
Student at Motlow State Community College
Political Activist Extrodinaire
The only fallacy is the inaction on our part to stave off the worst of horrors, the stripping of personal freedom.

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