

When connecting to the internet using wvdial I lose my connection over
and over and over.  I get an error code 16 (the modem hung up).  Anyone
have an idea what might be going on?

I have an external modem on ttyS0.

While this is annoying, at least wvdial will redial and connect again. 
I am trying to download packages for upgrading & installing with emerge.
 When I lose my connection then it reconnects, emerge will not restart
the file transfer.  Since I can only keep a connection for a short time,
this is proving impossible.  Is there a way to have emerge resume the
transfer once the connection is reestablished?

Much thanks.

   On The Fly Photography
   Version: 3.12
 GAT d-@ s: a C++ UL++ L++(+++) P E- W++ !N o? K- w--- M+ PS+++ 
 PE+++ Y+ PGP t++@ 5+++ X++ R+@ tv-- b++ DI++++ D+ G e+ h+ r y++
 ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------

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