On Mon, 19 Jan 2004 10:14:05 +0100
Norbert Kamenicky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote the words:

> Linux Gentoo wrote:
> > Greetings.
> > 
> > Problem:
> > 
> > When connecting to the internet using wvdial I lose my connection
> > over and over and over.  I get an error code 16 (the modem hung up).
> >  Anyone
> > have an idea what might be going on?
> > 
> > I have an external modem on ttyS0.
> > 
> > While this is annoying, at least wvdial will redial and connect
> > again. I am trying to download packages for upgrading & installing
> > with emerge.
> >  When I lose my connection then it reconnects, emerge will not
> >  restart
> > the file transfer.  Since I can only keep a connection for a short
> > time, this is proving impossible.  Is there a way to have emerge
> > resume the transfer once the connection is reestablished?
> >
> I am not familiar with wvdial, but used diald in a past.
> In case of problems I always identified it in logs,
> so let's have a look at logs too.
> If it's not sufficient, check if debug flag of wvdial
> is on and/or increase log level.

Ok, dumb question here, but do you know what log files I should be
looking for?  I check 'man wvdial' and it doesn't mention any log files.
 I looked in /etc /etc/ppp and /root for anything that looked like a log
file, but no such luck.

> Run emerge -f some_pkg at first, it's doing append by default,
> but it will not auto start after the fail. To have such functionality
> u have to make a simple script for it.

What I did was this:  I was trying to update my system, this is a fresh
install.  Well, I managed to not even get the first package which is 5M
in size.  I got about 60% of it, and in that time the modem hung up on
my about 8 times.  After reconnecting I have to CTRL+C out of emerge,
then start up 'emerge -u system' again.  It does continue where it left
off, but as you can imagine this is not really a reasonable way for me
to upgrade and install packages.

> Anyway from your message it's not clear if your inet connection
> works even for short time. Check it by "ping www.gentoo.org"
> and let us now.

I am indeed getting a connection to the inet.  I just pinged gentoo.org,
no problem.

Additional information, this box also has Mandrake 9.1 on it and I have
the same problem in that OS with both KPPP & wvdial.  I can send/receive
email and surf the net, just not for very long.

I hope this is more clear to everyone.  Thank you.

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