On Tuesday 20 Jan 2004 01:37, Greg Donald wrote:
> Peter Ruskin wrote:
> | You only run it as root to edit root's menus.  It works fine here:
> |
> | $ ll `which kmenuedit`
> | -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3796 Jan 15 19:38 /usr/kde/3.1/bin/kmenuedit
> Yes, I said that.  Do you know how to edit the menu otherwise, as a
> non-root user?  I don't normally login and run desktop apps as root,
> so I don't really care to edit root's KDE menus.  I want to edit my
> own KDE menus with my normal user account.  If I need to be root to
> do that then fine, I get it.. but none of the attempts I made were
> successful as I described in my first post:

Forget root!  As a nornal user, right-click on the K-menu and select 
Menu Editor.  Select a sub-menu like Applications to expand it, then 
select a menu item, e.g. KOrganizer.  Place your cursor at the end of  
the Name field and press Space - you should see the Apply and Reset 
buttons have become active.  That's how it works.  If those buttons 
don't become active for you then, you have a duff installation.

Did you read The kmenuedit Handbook?

Gentoo Linux: Portage 2.0.49-r20        kernel-2.6.1-gentoo-w4l
i686 AMD Athlon(tm) XP 3200+    KDE: 3.1.5 Qt: 3.2.3 gcc(GCC): 3.2.3

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