Doug Gorley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Eamon Caddigan wrote:
>>Second, I just upgraded to 0.7-r1 from 0.6.1, and the font used for the
>>menu bar and bookmarks has changed. I don't care for this serif font,
>>and I can't figure out how to reset it in the options. I don't believe
>>my GTK2 theme is to blame -- other apps look fine, and changing themes
>>didn't help.
>>Any insight into these problems would be greatly appreciated.
> With regards to the last bit, are you certain you compiled Firebird with 
> the gtk2 USE flag?

Yep! The only reason I upgraded firebird was because I recently made the
jump to "+gtk2". Now Firebird's buttons, scrollbars, checkboxes, etc.
match most of my other apps. I'm looking to move completely to gtk2 as
soon as the Audacity/wxWindows issues are worked out.

On *that* note, can anyone suggest a good gtk2 terminal emulator that
doesn't rely on gnome libs? Also, are there any tools that make it easy
to "convert" a gtk2 theme to gtk1 or qt? 


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