On Fri, Jan 23, 2004 at 05:28:58PM +0000, in
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Fred Labrosse
> Valmor de Almeida writes:
>  >  shutdown -h now
>  > 
>  > to shutdown my laptop (Dell 8100) it brings
>  > the system down and prompts me to power it down.
>  > I would like the power down to be automatic
>  > otherwise the system sits there waiting for
>  > me to press the power button. 
>  > Does anyone know how to do that?
>  > 
> Get rid of SMP support in the kernel.  Solved it for me.

You will also need to enable Power Management Support (CONFIG_PM, under
General Setup) and take a look at Advanced Power Management BIOS support
(CONFIG_APM, right after CONFIG_PM) and ACPI Support (CONFIG_ACPI, right
after CONFIG_APM). My first reaction to the relevance of SMP was one of
skepticism, but right there in the help for CONFIG_APM: "Note that the
APM support is almost completely disabled for machines with more than
one CPU." I'll be darned.
Batou: Hey, Major... You ever hear of "human rights"?
Kusanagi: I understand the concept, but I've never seen it in action.
  --Ghost in the Shell

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