Le Mardi, 27 Janvier 2004 09.47, Jani-Matti Hätinen a écrit :
> So, right now you have gentoo at /dev/hda, mandrake at /dev/hdb, and cd
> probably at /dev/hdc. After you make the switch the order will be gentoo
> at /dev/hda, mandrake at /dev/hdc (if it's master) and cd at /dev/hdd. That
> is, assuming that you'll plug the gentoo drive into the primary cable slot.
> (Which I recommend, since sometimes it's faster)

that's not juste a matter of plugging the disc in the "primary cable slot", 
you've got to set the jumpers correctly.
If both discs' jumpers are on "cable select", then yes, the first disc will be 
the master and the second one will be the slave. But you can choose which 
disc is master regardless of the cable's slot, by settting the jumpers on 
master and slave.

mathieu perrenoud

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