On January 29, 2004 04:02 pm, Jim wrote:
> On Sunday 25 January 2004 02:51 pm, Sensei wrote:
> > I gave it a try... but nothing happens... always ~5 fps.
> >
> > Moreover... those packages are just the same package from the nvidia
> > official site, with a patch for via chipsets --- maybe the 4x patch ;)
> >
> > Nothing... :( With this lousy gpu I should reach 30~50 fps when running
> > glxgears in window (not full screen).
> >
> > What else?
> I would think you should get something along the lines of 800 to 1000 fps
> when running in the original window (I have similar hardware on a couple
> machines)
> Check your logs for errors.

also make sure that you've got your driver line in your X config set to 
"nvidia" and not "nv" (as is the way xf86config sets up for you.  otherwise, 
you're using the wrong drivers.

Section "Device"
        Identifier  "nvidia geforce fx 5600"
        Driver  "nvidia"

hate is too important of an emotion to waste on someone you don't like.
  - malcolm x

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